Monday, November 7, 2011

What Is Happiness

What is happiness

Happiness is an individual decision. We tend to cling to our ideals until someone or something shakes us to the very core of our existence and reason for living. I have on two occasions been to that place, so dismal, so much despair, sorrow, suffering and pain. Once you've experienced this kind of suffering, you don't recognize happiness anymore for a long time. It can be very hard to be happy sometimes.

It can be staring you in the face, but you won't recognize it. 

Only kind and supportive people, prayer and a kind of rebirth can heal you. I don't believe in happiness anymore. That was a conclusion I came to When someone I totally believed in let me down, all the way down then proceeded to stalk my income with a lawsuit in California courts. Not only them but my God did too. The God of my religion. The religion I believed in at the time. The God that that religion worshipped turn out not to be an honest God.

It was a god that gulped up worship to feed its ego. A powerless god but for the worship bestowed upon it by the unsuspecting followers, the parishioners. 

I have long sense abandoned my disbelief in happiness. Happiness is many things to many people. Happiness is all around us when we choose to see it. Happiness is when your grand child motions with their tiny hand for you to bend down, and whispers I love you grandma. Happiness is when you wake up one day and realize: I really don't have any problems, it was all an illusion. Happy is when someone you've loved and admired from a distance walks up to you one day and stands beside you, takes you by the hand, looks into you eyes and smiles.

I believe in finding joy in the things of life, people, friends, loved ones and in helping others. I believe the only true definition of happiness is one that paints it as a temporal moment in a larger measure of time, for example: I love ice cream and when I'm eating it, for that moment, in that particular day, I'm happy, and when I'm done, I don't feel unhappy. If you want to feel joy all the time, or happiness as many might call it, you must learn to live above fear of losing any thing, you must learn to live above the things of a material world. If not, your happiness will always be in jeopardy.

It is the nature of mankind. 

We want something until we get it. We love something until we tire of it, or simply change our mind. We need something until it's replaced. Only people who love everyone and everything in life, including changes welcomed and changes not welcomed, can be happy. And quite frankly most people are not capable of doing that. Not in general. The mind of a happy person must be nurtured and developed. It's really hard to do in a world that can throw you a crap ball at any time. How does it do that you ask? By taking things away from you! That is the tool governments and people in general
use to inflict pain and suffering upon you. And they do it with every intention of making you miserable. It makes them feel power to do things like that. To take something away from you, to oppress you with their power. A power that really doesn't even exist, unless you let it exist.

Many people don't even love themselves most of the time. How can that person ever be happy thinking like that? They can't, but some will take it out on you. How could they play a reliable role in what makes you happy? What is happiness? It's love: The ability to love everyone unconditionally and have no complaints about anything. To accept what is as is, changing only what is in your power to change; you. This is "the" key to happiness, but there are other sub-keys, with the primary one being; wisdom. Look for it find it and make it yours! A wise man, a wise woman understands his or her environment well enough to stay ahead of the curves. You can throw them a curve if you want to, they'll know it out of the park every time. They've CHOSEN to be happy!

Be sure to visit  another life changing website for more fun reading and beneficial blogs

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Are Americans Vexed?

Generally, people and in this case I'm referring to Americans, try to keep smiling, stay positive, keep hope and have faith in their leaders. Wouldn't you agree? Even when everything around us is falling apart, we believe that everything will turn out to be alright, and it usually does.

But lately I've been asking myself; is someone, or a group of people in high places taking advantage of us using the fact that we think that way. Could they use our hopefulness against us to depress us into giving up? Could one day come and we wake up to find that all our fears have come true? That we and our country have been sold out? Are we about to be hit with what we didn't see coming or lose any chance to try and stop it? It is 2011 and I'd of thought that by now we as Americans would be all that and a bag of chips. But I'm beginning to think we are vexed.

If America is vexed it was politically inspired. 

Given the problems that have beset us over recent years, it has become increasingly harder for Americans to smile, have faith, and profile that sense of pride we Americans all grew up with. What’s changed, why have we been finding ourselves coming up against insurmountable issues and problems in just about every area of our lives these days? Who's running things, and what the fuck is going on, where's all the crap coming from? When did all this begin, how and, why? Have we been moving in the wrong direction over the past 25 years or more? Are the rigged systems being exposed? Are the factions in our government scrambling to keep something hidden? And which political party is the culprit? Or is it both? We have to figure this out.  

Are world leaders working together to make all societies in the world come together, as one big business marketing place, with only a few people holding all the cards and all the money and power like they've managed to do here in America? Has big business somehow managed to compromise our values, our identity as a people and manipulate our politicians to do their bidding clandestinely?

Would it be a good idea to have all newly elected politicians on 18-month probation, whereby they can be removed from office by an inexpensive Internet polling/voting on their performance and where they have taken things, over those 18 months? After all, isn’t' it clear that our system appears to be serving only a privileged few now? Who let the dogs out? Was it the Republicans? It sure looks that way. I was Republican until Reagan. I thought he was a really good liar, faker, a good actor. Rest in peace.  

Has our governing system been hijacked by a few people with money and power to serve their ideals and greed? Are they trying now to take over the world under the guise of globalization? Are they racists?

Is globalization vexing the American dream? 

Is there a successful subliminal activity by some, based on greed and oppression, to downgrade the American citizen to a second class individual in the world overall? A mass dumbing down movement by the government on American's? Have they forgotten that they serve us, and not the other way around? Do they want us to become no more than a battery in a series of batteries (all common citizens) to work for pennies and power the will of the more fortunate ones of the world? Is America being made into a third world country in order to put a handful of privileged people from various countries on top of the world?

There is some talk going around out there among concerned citizens, college students, media, small business owners and the general population.  

Maybe it's time for ALL Americans including those who sit on the fence, to get off the fence and take part in the voting, protesting, and smartly, not ignorantly! Maybe it's time for all of us to be mindful of what's being displayed by politicians and not what's being said by them. Did we get stuck with a bunch of bad leaders? Some are saying we have the worst congress in the history of the country, right now. How the hell did these people get into congress in the first place? Was dumbed down voters the reason? I personally believe its divisive governing. An evil presence manifested by some really bad karma. It might time for this government to get right, or be humbled the hard way!

Everybody should vote, otherwise, this is what happens. 

Was it revenge against Americans voting a black president into office. Wait, we already know that's part of it! If so, then that is a blatant attack on the rights of the American people who voted him into office, by American against American, or so-called Americans. Could it be because over 80% of America’s high school seniors can't even qualify academically to enter college? There is a problem shortage of people who qualify to fill the job openings out there, as much if not more than a lack of jobs, right? They only want the privileged in these jobs anyway, right?

How will Americans even know what to look for in candidates who run for office if they are not wise enough, and smart enough to know the difference between a man of good intention and a fake? Hey America: It is important to put the right person into office over the wrong person for the job? Just letting you know, in case you forgot! And, you need to be able to tell the difference! It is said that our politicians are a representation of the populous, is that true anymore? Because this bunch is representing itself. Maybe we've just misplaced our values and 'accidentally adopted some bad ones offered by oligarchs, losers, and crooks! It looks to me that while Americans are busy stomping out ants sent to them by oligarchs, a herd of dumb elephants is running over them. Money doesn't make someone smart. Don't ever believe that shit! But it does get to have a voice. A voice it uses to get people to listen long enough to be taken in by their bullshit ideas. What do you think? Is America vexed?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Sexual Euphemism and Stimulating Word Puzzle

Infidelity has always existed going back as far as the records of man earliest presence on earth. There is talk of a website, a dating site for married people who want to have sex with other people. I won't give the name of the site because someone may be reading this that’s married and ready to make a mistake. Those mistakes will hurt you and everyone who loves you. So I won't take part in that. Here's why:

Nothing in life is free, not even sex. 

At some point in time along the way we pay for sex, married or not, just like everything else in life. Let me explain that. Sex comparatively speaking is like starting a fire. Picture a man or woman (alone) in the wilderness (life) and night fall (getting horny) is coming. This person knows they must prepare for it, so they plan (look for a partner) to make a fire using whatever they can find (someone) to do it with.

They find some soft dry cotton stuff (a person) in the forest, and they grab a dry twig, hollow out a larger piece of dry wood and place the cotton like stuff in the hollow hole (start touching one another). They put one end of the twig into the hole with the soft cotton and begin to roll it between both hands with open palms spinning the twig until smoke shows up (warm desire), and they become excited about the progress and spin the twig faster.

A small flame ignites and makes its appearance (the kiss), and they fan the flames (the kiss) until their fire gets hotter and bigger (heated passion).
They like the results of their effort and place more leaves, twigs and wood into the flames until a full blown fire is achieved (sex). The fire (sex) is warm and soothing. It feels good, and it keeps animals away, and at the same time it puts out light that can bring help to rescue them from (being alone) the woods. They feel comforted and relaxed in the heat (sex), and fall asleep.

When they awake, the whole forest around them (their life) is on fire. 

Help is on the way, but they started a forest fire to get it, and the fire is so hot, burning them and the forest (life) around them.

Even in marriage every so often a couple must renew their interest in the relationship or the flame will burn low and can go out if something isn't done. This too will affect your life in the long run.

Being single is different in that multiple partners are experienced (each with their own highs and lows just like marriage), and you can be playing it well, by the "players" book, but it's only a matter of time before trouble (karma) finds you.

If you don't believe me take a look around you at the people you know. Look at the celebs in the news. What is the answer? How do we navigate the spiny road of sexual desire?

After all it's really just our nature. 

We can't stop nature!

Well, there is another way. We can keep nature in check by being aware of its flammable ingredients and make choices intelligently and respectful of ourselves and others, particularly during marriage. Even if the marriage is no fun anymore. Sex is fire and we burn when we go without it, there's no getting around that. But if you keep in mind it's not free, there might be something in that way of thinking that helps keep us sexually smarter and the repercussions of our sexual activities at a minimal.

Tip: Create your own metaphors by your own rules using this post. Read the words in parenthesis and create sentences that do not include the forest.


Alone, look for a partner, someone to do it with.

Find a person and start touching one another and warm desire shows up.

The kiss ignites a small flame that gets bigger and becomes a heated passion.

Sex! Sex is warm. It feels good, now relax, fall asleep, and awake to a life in flames.

These sentences are all present in the post you just read. How sexually oriented are you? Can you create more sentences using only the text above or only the words in parenthesis? 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Don't Forget To Laugh

Comedy like music is therapeutic, it tends to soothe or remove unhappy moods or an unpopular experience during the course of a day. Were it not for music and comedy life would be pretty darn boring at times, and quite frankly, less worth living. Like all entertainment, comedy has to address something in life you are familiar with, otherwise you won't relate to it. You must be able to relate to something before you can find humor in it. 

Laughter on the other hand can be evoked on the spur of a moment. 

Surprise is the heart of comedy. Everyone has a little comedian hidden inside of them that peaks it's head out from time to time. Have you noticed how occasionally a person who rarely laughs can sometimes make you laugh. They can say something impetuously and completely out of their character and just timely enough to be funny. It came as a "surprise" to you both, something unexpected, and it made you both laugh. Many good friendships have started that way.    

Remember when we were kids how we capped on each other, based on each other, sometimes so hard that somebody got mad  and wanted to fight. 

What did we do? Why, we kept on capping on them till they started laughing again, and the laughing went on for hours.  

Basing is an effective way to deal with a heckler (a sour moment, bad time etc) too. Hecklers want to stop the show, or take the attention away from the laugh for one reason or another. Hecklers also find themselves the blunt of the laughs because the comedian (you) was prepared for them and got even more laughs at their (the bad times) expense. It's all good! 

Each time we laugh we add years to our lives, at least that's what we now know.  

Laughing heals and it is scientifically proven to heal, and I'll even take that a step further and say there is hardly anything that a person might suffer from in life that laughter won't heal. It has been documented that some cancer patients who refused to take their condition any other way but humorously, were healed by having such a positive attitude about their illness that their body's immune system reinforced itself.  In conclusion, I'd like to make a suggestion. 

Look for humor in everything, even that which would otherwise anger you! It can only make you a happier person.  

Inspiration and reference for this post: The comedian (

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Are Women Getting Aids More Than Men In The U.S.?

Are women more apt to get aids than men? The fact is, Aids is still out there and very real to some of your friends. I will answer the question for you momentarily. First I want to share something with you that I think is relevant when discussing Aids. Not long ago my mother purchased a property and turned it into a half way house for the financially displaced. She had people from various walks of life staying there in any given month paying room and board at a price they could afford while saving money to pull themselves up in life. Some were runaways, veterans and some had fallen because of drug use.

The property was near my mother's own residence and for this reason, my brother or I would visit with her and our younger brother at least every other day in support of her efforts. During these visits, I became privy to certain events among the boarders. I learned of dates resulting in unprotected sex. One day I discovered something appalling, a startling reality. Almost all of these individuals were aware of the dangers of Aids, but behaved as though STD's did not exist. I concluded that at least a part of the reason was because these individuals put ecstasy at a hirer priority than caution or the safety of others. The worst of it is they didn't care about themselves or anyone else! They used sex as an escape from the anger, misery and unhappiness they felt about life.

It was not a lack of education about sexually transmitted diseases, not like you might find in a third world country or a remote area of the world where women are getting Aids faster than men, where women's rights are non existent or abused without recourse. Women have sex forced upon them and have no law to protect them in those places and they get Aids as a result. No, for your information, these men and women just didn't care about their safety or that of their partners. Let me illustrate with a true to life example using one of the men I met there. I will change his name for obvious reasons. We will call him Carlos. Carlos was a tall hansome guy, well spoken and about thirty years of age. A guy with a promising life before I met him. Carlos had been an Air Force veteran and star basketball player who was good with the ladies. However, that all changed for him when he found that he had contracted Aids while playing ball in Europe. He then, left the team and came back to the states to start his life over again. It was then that he became a resident of my mothers. He never mentioned having Aids.

We found out when another resident told my brother that he was visiting Carlos and saw a pill bottle that Carlos had left sitting out. He said the label identified Carlos and clearly stated " treatment for HIV". This is where the plot thickens! Carlos had previously disclosed to me that he was sleeping with a young lady who I had seen visiting with him. I asked if he was using protection, and he told me "I don't use condoms because they cut back on that good feeling, that real pleasure." I became concerned because I knew he had a way with women, I had seen him with several. I mentioned this to my mother who wasted no time in asking him if he was HIV positive, and he said yes he was and apologized for not telling her sooner. He said he was leaving anyway and going back to Chicago, and shortly afterwards moved out. We never saw him again. I heard from my brother about four years later that he saw Carlos getting off a trolley with a young woman in tow not far from that same part of town. My brother said he wanted to go talk to her but couldn't bring himself to say anything.

So what's the point of my sharing this with you? There are people out there who are selfish, cruel or don't care about your well being. You must think about yourself and trust no one! HIV infections are growing faster in women than men in the US.  In the beginning, the numbers were about even between men and women who contract Aids, but since then recent polls show that the number of women infected is growing. Because women out number men some would assume that is the reason polls show their numbers exceeding that of men who are infected. Polls going back as far as 2009 are showing that women in the US are getting Aids at a hirer rate than men. The reason may surprise you.

It has been concluded that the increase in numbers of women getting Aids in recent years is because men deliver a higher concentration of the virus into the woman's vagina due to the volume of semen being more than that of a woman's vaginal fluids. This results in her getting the virus sooner than he does. It could also mean that fewer men are infecting more women due to people relaxing their precautions. It does not say uninfected men should use this as a reason to relax their use of condoms. Protection is for both partners until such time as a medical exam has been performed showing the results are negative in both people. Only then should unprotected sex take place. Please see links below for more information about Women living with Aids:

Why women are more likely to contract Aids than men
American women with Aids
One American state stats

Monday, April 25, 2011


Do you ever feel vulnerable? Ever notice how some people put on the hard shell or carries a persona that says hey I'm tough and I'm strong, or I don't like you, and all time great, I don't care. Well in that case pride comes before a fall. Others exuberate indifference, or emanate from a vibe that says you are not good enough for me. I'm better than you or the old; what are you looking at?

Many people have been hurt because they chose to be nice, kind, thoughtful and caring. 

One day they allowed someone to come close or to get in who turned out to be total crap. And it came with a hefty price tag. At some point in the past, maybe it was a relationship, a friendship or a relative, and the result was abuse, neglect, misunderstood and abu
sed, cheated on, or attacked. So they retracted their feelings a
nd any display of emotion from that day forward. They were forever changed. NOT!

The person or people who treated you this way was wrong and have a problem they must confront one day and your's will probably be the face they see when they do. They don't know it but that behavior will eventually bring them irreversible pain and shame one day. I assure you it will be a lesson they wish they could have avoided.

But what about you? 

You, have become a victim who has pulled their head and heart back into a shell like a turtle, or put it in a hole in the ground like an ostrich to hide the fear and protect yourself. And as a result you have hidden yourself from life's most rewarding gift, the gift of love, companionship, rewarding relationships. You're missing out on a healthy social life and developmental emotional experiences.

Well take it from me and listen closely; you cannot live your life as a result of what others have done to you, not and enjoy it. Your vulnerability is your strength. I know. I've tried it and it only caused me more suffering What was so bad about it is that I didn't have a name for what had happened to me, the reason I was suffering. Hindsight being 20/20 in a word it was the loss of joy in my life followed by loneliness, a secret loneliness? I thought I would never be able to pick myself up and fly again. I have been plucked clean, not a dime left. I had taken the little things in my life for granted out flying all the time. Things that were sweet and nice, the unique gifts present in my life I couldn't fully appreciate or didn't know how anymore. Mostly the latter. Because I lost sight of them in flight.

I only knew to keep moving straight ahead, to play it safe, keep myself hidden in plain sight. 

I had to avoid embracing anything or anyone sincerely. Too risky. I had been convinced not to trust life but for myself and often not even myself. I was always checking the parameters, going over decisions twice and again even after it was too late to take them back anyway. I was mess! As a result of this kind of over protective behavior acquaintances with others was shallow and unfulfilling. I became a closet loner, popular when among friends, but deeply lonely all other times.

I believed this was the best way to live, that it kept my life protected and safe from monsters in human form. 

Well, it was not healthy, and thinking that way was drawing me further and further away from the person I real was. That person whom everybody could feel and appreciate. Instead I had traded that for a judgmental attitude and an emptiness in my life that seemed inescapable.

I don't want anyone to go through that experience. You are not living life to the fullest if you are not opening up your heart and letting it make some choices and decisions. I know it is risky, but when you stop and think about it, everything in your life is a risk, especially those things which can bring you the most joy. Every time you walk out of the house you're putting yourself at risks, you're just not consciously aware of it.

You cannot shut one part of your heart down without the whole heart shutting down. 

If you close one door in your heart and think you've done yourself a favor and protected the area where pain got in, it will actually shut out joy from the rest of your heart too. You cannot segment one part of your heart without adversely affecting your whole heart.

Joy is living and loving life, God, and the people around you with ALL your heart. 

Go back to being you, regardless of any bad experiences you've had from thoughtless callous people. They come in all kinds of shapes and forms, and their minds do too. Life is indeed like a box of chocolates and indeed you never know what you're going to get, but you mustn't let that stop you from living it. We are talking about chocolate here right? This is how life's most valuable rewards are found and kept. So yes we are all vulnerable and we are all faced with risk.

But knowing that is half the battle won. You're much wiser now. So go ahead and think about letting go of your fears. And start enjoying life again. I think you're going to like all the beautiful people who will become attracted to you and you to them. Start now, today. Breath again and take flight. Take it one step at a time until you feel complete again, and free again. But fly again. Its who you are. (Ref: Brene' Brown, author and researcher)

Friday, April 15, 2011

How To Win In This Economy

What are people doing to avert the current economical dilemma? There is no doubt anymore that we are in for a long haul and one way to tell is by the slow recovery in jobs. The whole world is experiencing a paradigm shift, one which will among other things move more technology into the way we live. This of course is affecting the way business is conducted and redefining the job market.  Averting the problem may be the wrong approach.

It might be a better idea to re-invent you. 

How do you go about re-inventing yourself? To begin with you must learn to think beyond the way you are accustomed to getting things done. Unless you are highly qualified, have a college degree of relevance and come with recommendations and notable references it will be hard to land a job that pays well.

Prices have been rising on the down low for the past eight years and there have been underlying efforts by the Republican Party to enhance "the rich" and "increase the poor" using the tax system, thereby eliminating the middle class. 

You will either shop at the 'Mall' or the 'Dollar Store'; there would be no middle ground. There are some Democrats who support this ideology and might further the republican agenda if put into office. So what should you do?

You need to decide where you want to shop! 

It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to use this time to prepare for the future and you could begin by returning to school. Re-educating yourself will put you on a path that would increase your options and position you to compete in the new environment which is fast and intelligent. Now is the time to return to school, while there is funding. It's a sure way to win in this economy and get ready for the next. And if you wait it may be too late. This is certainly not a good time to fold your arms and sit things out. There is no guarantee that school will make you rich one day but it will certainly open your mind to the new world and help you to maneuver yourself around in it. It will at the least expose you tonew opportunities for getting ahead in life. My advice: Don't fight with this economy, you're better off to prepare for when it's over.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Relationships: Dating vs Hanging Out

Relationships are so much fun and always promising when you're in it for the right reasons. Being single I sometimes visit dating sites around the Internet. I start to daydream about the fun and exciting possibilities that lay ahead once I find the right girl. All things considered. I know it's best to go slow, to take it one day at a time. However, that is easier said than done.

Sometimes I tell myself if a person is going to be fun or not, I'll sense it when I'm with that person the first time we're out together. Then the daydream comes to a screeching halt, and my reality check says, you have to keep it real. She's not going to be delivered to your doorstep in a big beautiful gift box with a pretty yellow ribbon tide around it.

Yes these things take time and you should use that time to work on you. To tweek areas you need strengthened. It could be having more confidence in yourself, or establishing an exercise routine to get rid of that belly you're getting. Once you're on track you'll need to decide what you want to do.

So what should I do?

I've had to ask myself this question, and the answer is always the same. You have to date until you think you've found the right girl. Date? But that has swings, big drops, curves, frustration, you name it! Why can't I just meet her in a superm
arket, know she's the one and be lucky enough that she chooses me too? That happens but you can't count on it. You have to go out with her about two years before you'll really know enough about her to decide. However, that doesn't sound right either. You mean I have to date her two years to find out if she is the wrong person, and then I have to let her go? That could become a lot of 'two year screenings' not to mention the pain and suffering in the separations. So what should I do?

I think the anxiety and nervousness sets in because of the word 'date'. 

In today's world when I hear that word, a little switch in my mind flips to rejection. Rejection is what I don't want to think about. The word date seems to put conditions on the possibilities that I get so excited about.

So I trained myself to think in terms of 'hanging out', and poof, stress is gone.  

I can work with hanging out. Under those conditions neither of us is expecting anything from the other but their company and the fun in running around with them. It's a win win.

When you're dating someone you are looking for something and making a lot of judgement calls, some of them actually accurate. When dating, sometimes something happens that shouldn't have, and you aren't clear. And when you proceed with a relation like that trouble is usually looming down the road.

Why do they want to know how much money you make if you're only dating?

If all we're doing is hanging out then it doesn't bother me if things don't work out, and that's easier for both of us because we're not together for things to work out on an emotional level. I would hang-out with most of the girls I see on dating sites until they ask: How much money do you make? I think a guy should be banking paper before seeking a wife, but if all he is doing is dating, wouldn't it be 'gold digging' to ask how much money he makes before a date? Really it's true, that question is actually in the profile of many dating sites.

Must we be making $100,000.00 a year just to hang out with a girl from a dating site? The girls there seem to think so. Maybe these sites are looking at it this way: The girl you are hanging out with might turn into the girl you want, and you'll be ready based on how much money you make! No, then there's the question of, what if I've not decided yet, what's money got to do with anything? You see, there is where it gets to be complicated for me. So I've come to a conclusion.

No dating sites! I'll develop my charm affect, let their own intuition alert them of my interest, play the cat a mouse game, and if one I like catches me, or I catch her, then I'm cool. And so far it's working like a charm. There you go fella's. Good luck!  

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Radiation exposure from Japan

Most people will acknowledge that we live in a world of uncertainty. However, when we hear of a nuclear disaster, it  triggers a psychological effect, which can magnify feelings of uncertainty. This can bring about worry, feelings of helplessness, and a concern for our families and loved ones. I'm referring to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, where radiation is leaking out into the air. An event brought about by a recent earthquake and tsunami there.

I have read about people scurrying about looking for potassium iodide pills for protection against thyroid cancer, buying up breathing filters to prevent inhalation of radiation and others staying in doors. This sounds like a scene in Japan, but it's here in the US. We live in excess of  5,000 miles away from the disaster. Is there a reasonable cause for this panic? In this blog, I wanted to help out a little, so I did some research on the matter. Here's what I came up with: (1) An easy chart to help you understand radiation exposure  (3)

Now, let say this: It will be imperative that our scientist and research stay sharp about testing American waters for contaminated fish. You don't want to eat those. Radiation is bad by any approach we take. We need to stop using it. But easier said than done, so far anyway.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Road Rage

I was driving on the freeway and about to exit when a late model Toyota Camry sped by me on my right side between me my exit as I was turning into it, and almost caused me to miss my exit. Good thing I looked twice because a green Ford bronco came up on my rear, darted around me and cut me off again chasing the Camry.

The Camry darted back onto the off ramp and so did the Bronco with two guys in it, the driver flailing his arms out the window and throwing things at the Camry from the truck. They both came to a stop behind cars waiting at a red light as I came up on the Bronco from the rear and slowed to a stop.

The driver of the Bronco jumped out and in a fast pace went to the rear of his vehicle open the camper shell door and took out what looked like a golf club, he then strutted back around his vehicle and up to the Camry and bashed the rear window in. There were a lot of cars at this 4 lane light stop but no one sad anything.

We were all in shock! 

The driver of the Camry then got out of his car, went over to the Bronco's driver who had gotten back into his truck after breaking that guys rear window out. And to everybody's surprise, grabbed the guy in the truck around the throat and proceeded to put his fist through the side window of the Bronco. The guy in the truck just sat still and his passenger did too.

After a few seconds the Camry driver who stood about 6'5" and looked to weigh about 250 lbs released the other guys throat and walked away. Both drivers left without further incident. Are incidents of road rage increasing in your area? Has it been escalating lately? Watch out! People are reacting badly to otherwise mundane things lately. Keep your cool. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Think Too Much

Do you ever think too much? Does it feel like you've become obsessed with something someone did, or didn't do. What about and idea, ever think an idea TO DEATH? Do you ever get caught up in thinking about something and drive past your turn, or shoot way past your exit on the highway? Is there a remedy for those of us who get too caught up in thinking about things? Is this a character flaw? I mean Often I will think something to death before I actually move on, or decide to quit thinking about it.

And then for some strange reason, it seems like I lost something during the process because I over thought the damn thing. I mean spontaneity is good sometimes but where is the cut off point once you're into it. Is there a "Rule of thought" for over thinking? Is there someone out there who would care to share? How do I hit that sweet spot every time, and let it go without thinking I might of missed something, you know what I mean?

How do I learn to stop and let it go? At what point should you quit thinking of something and start acting on it? I know from a creative standpoint when an idea comes you should act on it, but that's different, there is no repercussion to speak of if, you can practice spontaneity there.

If you get an idea for a sculpture and start sculpting it's okay. If you're experiencing this behavior in yourself, you can overcome it. I have overcome mine. I just decided to stop doing it once it was brought to my attention that was doing it. Has anyone ever told you, you think too much? Here at Peopletruths I can talk about everything people right?

Because all my readers are...People! Nothing is off subject as long as its about something of interest got it, people. This morning I decided to write my first blog here and this is it.

I'm new at this blogging thing and already I see I have a lot to learn. There's a pretty big learning curve about it. A lot ideas came at me all at once, and as simple as this blog subject is to write in, they were all the wrong ideas. Rule number one: Pick your subject matter carefully. This went on until I just said forget it, I'm thinking too much. So I wrote this. Whadda ya think? :)

How to stop thinking too much!