Saturday, August 18, 2018

Manners & Etiquette For Success

Want to get ahead in life? Of course, you do we all do right? Well, learn the art of getting noticed. Learn to speak well for starters. In our busy lives, we hardly get time to think about evaluating ourselves on any serious level. We tend to just go! We have our basic "yes thank you" or "no thanks" and of course "excuse me", but everybody does that. You won't stand out with that alone.

Do you think you could improve your basic manners? Do you think its important?

Do you even care at this point? What difference does it make right? We're all labeled and tagged before the first words come out of our mouths anyway, right? Especially with racism on the rise, right? Well, it does make a difference and could even be the deciding factor in such matters as getting hired or being invited to places where you could meet people ready to help you move your life forward.

Manners and etiquette are very important. Mastering the English language is important if you want to develop your manners and etiquette. I'd begin there since English has become the primary language of the world, it's a good place to work from, don't you think?

The truth is, most people are not concerned about manners & etiquette at this time in the world. And, that actually makes this a good time for you to get good at them.

Because as you know, what's in today is out tomorrow and what's out always comes back in. Even racism as you've seen with the Trump presidency. But I believe in the best of us and think most people actually do the exact opposite.

What goes around comes around. For a man to improve the status of his existence he must kill off the bad stuff he sends around town so to speak.

So, all the crude behavior's you're witnessing today will be gone tomorrow and tomorrow will usher in a whole new discourse. Discourse is powerful and should be carefully planned so as not to put hurtful things out there.

People tend to take what their leaders say as God's ice cream! And though that is completely unsafe because (gods don't have to go to the bathroom) they often choose unsavory as their favorite flavor. Leaders are just people. People you trust to lead and make the higher decisions. People you put in place to do the right things by you socially and economically. But, unfortunately, there are those who still choose the unsavory as their favorite flavor. These guys have to drop a turd just like the rest of us and with that image in mind, most of us arent' buying into that status quo anymore because it's rigged from top to bottom, from day one to present day. And every human will shit on himself at least once in his lifetime. More than that for some. Including the great influencers, lol.

The influencer will vote oligarchs and rich people forgetting these people don't care about them on a human level!

But manners and etiquette are proof you are not aspiring to be unsociable or harbor some anti-respect towards intelligence, even if you did vote uninformed and actually set things back for yourself, the country and the world. I'm not going to lie to you, the world is in a very bad place right now and only worse things will come of it.

But keep using your manners. In fact, great manners not only open up opportunities for us to excel by invitation, meaning more people are apt to invite you to something that benefits you, but they also teach us to strive for higher learning and more knowledge about life and people. And of course, that's bullshit! They're so many people fucked up right now, they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

That, being since we already show our respect for others, then others can't see how fucked up our thinking is right now.

Overall respect for your fellow man only increases respect for yourself. And respect for yourself maintains steadfastness or sobriety and sobriety helps us stay alert for increases in our lives or our status in life.

When you add good manners and etiquettes to that mix, you come out a winner any way you look at it!

Self-respect can take you a very long way while at the same time it asks others to respect you. And when you have respect you have success, at least in theory.

Good manners and etiquette are a part of the humility family. Humility allows others to approach you.

Otherwise, they'll hesitate due to the inability to determine your intelligence, disposition or that mean look, you keep on your face.

No one wants to approach someone who appears threatening, selfish, and mean.

Some people carry a demeanor like a warning to others that says they've judged you, they don't have time for you, they're better than you, or you are not acceptable to them. Been a lot that lately.

In response to that people will automatically deem that individual as not acceptable to them.
You'll only get back from life what you put out there!

And there you go, another door closed to you. But, you asked for it, by your poor manners.

You can't live in a world where all the doors are closed and locked to you. And like I said above, what goes around comes around and when you close doors, they are closed to you. How are you going to survive? You closed the door first!

So manners and etiquette are a big part of the essentials for a life of opportunity and success!

It is disarming when we are in the presence of a person who wants to see the best for us. A person who is thinking of us. Some who is not like the others.

They won't say no to anything, they trust you, will do the right thing by you. They believe in you. No is not a good word and nobody wants to hear it.

Most people choose a course in their life. Not choosing a course is the same as choosing the course your life takes.

Why should I say no to someone unless what they propose is harmful to me?

Unless its a child requesting something harmful to themselves, I just say "sure".

Sure, yes, please, thank you, can I help, are so nice to hear among us. One begets the other.

A request that is responded to with a yes almost always comes back with a gift that screams "I'm here because of the goodness and kindness that's in your heart.

Have you noticed how really rich people have great manners (most do)? Most won't say no. People who say no a lot are generally controlling and like the feeling of having power over you or just being in charge. So usually, their just assholes.

I don't like to think I'm running anything, and that's even when I am officially in charge. I'd rather think I have the skills to motivate people to do a good job of running things for me. I have enough sense to know its the presence and input of others that make things run well in my life, for me, around me or by me. So I respect and trust in others to be achievers. Their color has nothing to do with it.

But to each his own, to each his own life and to each his own road and to each his own results! Which is exactly what we get in life.

In a leadership position, great manners and good etiquette are the crowns you wear on your head, and the balance in your life is the pendants you were around your neck.

They precede you when you walk into a room. And, they set the stage for how you will be received in that room.

If you are a person of love for his fellow man others can feel it. We all struggling with something or the other, that's just life resisting our personal projects. People know when someone is out of sync.

So get in the habit of saying yes, of judging others by their character, and yourself by how many people you help up to a better life.

It doesn't mean you're being a fool or excepting of everything. It means you understand life.

I personally am accepting of only a few things. But I also know that without others I don't have the power to change anything!

We all know that most of what happens in the world and among us is unacceptable. The world is a lemon tree orchard more often than not. So let people make their lemon aid. Don't stand in the way of that.

It means you are about the bigger picture that they have for their life. Unless you're kissing someone's ass who is leading you astray, you should know better.

That you know that in order to have a sweet life one must learn to make lemonade with all the lemons in life.

So I'm all for just treating everybody nice, practicing respect, manners, and good etiquette with them and all the while supporting the effort they're giving their life. Everyone is desperate about something they're not willing to discuss with you.

Support the dreams of others "actively". Actually do things for them. You have to if you want their attention and for them to think good things about you. After all, it's just good etiquette.
