Friday, October 16, 2015

Ten Things That Anger People Most

A person's mood determines what will anger them and to what extent that anger will go. It's just human nature. By that, anything can raise our blood pressure or makes us temporarily insane? I have a love-hate relationship with everyone, especially when driving. Sound familiar? I go insane having to wait at signal lights when there's no traffic🚗. Most people probably don't go around looking for a button they can push to anger you accept for maybe the teeny minded racist among us. Although there are people who will look for ways to get one-up on you for the fun of it. But, that can actually be healthy competition among friends. Friends do that all the time for the fun of it.

Generally, friends won't push your buttons other than to get a rise out of you. But siblings will. Sometimes just because they know where those buttons are. At least until they grow up anyway. Parents sometimes push their child's buttons just for the fun of it, although they shouldn't. Because it's bullying. But some parents will push your buttons if they feel as though they've run out of ways to motivate you. People know instinctively what's right and what's wrong. Some will try and deny it if you listen to them. And most will try to blame something or someone else for their mistakes if possible, that too is human nature. Some will even blame you for their bad treatment of you. It's like they've judged you and sentenced  you. It's wrong, but people do it. Unless you're holding a gun to someone's head you can't make them do anything. We have to take responsibility for our own actions, wrongdoings, and mistakes so we keep moving in the right direction.  

We have choices and free will and it's easy to abuse them. We make mistakes, yes but free will can become self-abuse. Even when you live by a higher standard of living you're still going to make mistakes. If you've learned some rules that work for you, make them personal rules that you don't break. That's what I do anyway.

People will intentionally try and rattle you on the down-low, and of course, you mustn't let them rattle you. People fall into the hater's category quite easily these days. Venting on others is popular among homo sapiens. Venting to others is much more effective. Haters and trouble makers are immature individuals, aren't they? They are little mini-minded terrorists ignorant of the rule that what goes around comes back around. Haters are very unhappy people and they want you to be unhappy too. This behavior by the way; is the reason they are locked in a perpetual cycle of unhappiness. So, here again, what goes around, does come back around.

Anger will wreck you
So what is my point?

It's to get you to think about yourself as a person and how you live. And, if applicable to you, to get you to check yourself before you wreck yourself. Because anger, even in it's simplest form is destructive to us mentally and internally. The world's not going to change unless you change it. We live in tall grass, and there are snakes in the grass. That's just the simple truth. These snakes will do the unthinkable to cause you pain and suffering and yes that is a truth about homo sapien. But sometimes we do the unthinkable to ourselves. What is the unthinkable? The unthinkable is getting mad. When you let anger drive you, your thoughts and your emotions become unstable. We become possessed and begin to give up our power.

Here are a few irritable things that can open the door to anger:
  1. Being accused of something you didn't do.
  2. Working hard to achieve a goal and learn you're being under minded. 
  3. Being ignored by someone you care about because they've been brainwashed against you by someone else. 
  4. Driving in traffic when you're up against a deadline. (a primal animal panic instinct)
  5. When there is a double standard; one for you and one for someone being given more than you. 
  6. When someone snatches your blanket off of you to wake you up🩲! This can be the start of a pretty bad day.  
  7. When your WiFi stops working or slows way down as you're working with a deadline
  8. Being betrayed by a friend. Your mate cheats on you. 
  9. Someone does to you what you did to them. 
  10. Finding out you're being used.   

So what does this list tell you? Does it tell you that humiliation is generally what pushes a person's buttons? But it's not only people that cause humiliation. An event can occur that will humiliate you, like tripping and falling. Do you get mad about that? Depends on your mood, right?  
Protect your joy-reject anger

What's your takeaway from this blog post, your "people truth? I'd like it to be that anger is a weakness, your Achilles heel. The "I submit button". Your tap out! But, hey I'm just discussing what angers people most. Devious people will use what angers people most against you. "So stay cool, if you can be strong then be strong. Because getting even is more fun".  I made that up, lol. Because not being effected, not trying to get even is very effective🎈 Sometimes anger comes over us no matter how good we are at staying cool. Remember I told you we're not perfect. But people who have a habit of getting angry are suffering from something. If you look close, they're suffering from a disorder and we all have it. So just ignore it. Get good at cooling yourself off quickly if you're the type that angers. Some homo sapiens don't have the anger gene. I wish I was like them. What if someone deliberately kills your dog? Could you stay cool as you work through it?

Even if you're a champion at keeping your cool, I think that would set you off.  My point is there are times when anger is justified. But like everything, there is a solution. And that is: Get hold of yourself as quickly as possible. That's how you overcome an attack on your integrity and come out victorious. 

So again, people will push your buttons just because they can and some will do it because they are wicked. And some of them will succeed at pissing you off, but don't let it take hold. Come to grips with your anger and relinquish it immediately. Anger doesn't do you any good. It's a tempting adrenaline release, but for all the wrong reasons. Anger does little good in 99.9% of the matters you find yourself angry about. It's better to keep your cool, wait for the opportunity and diplomatically bring your aggressor face to face with their own behavior. They hate that. And, it works every time. Name ten things that anger you most and post them in the comments🎈  It will vent them!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Women Can Play Stupid And No One Will Be The Wiser

Well I don't know but I've been told, a big-legged woman ain't got no soul! Not only is this a famous line in a Led Zeppelin song called Black Dog, but I've heard it before. Is it true? A woman knows how to keep quiet when she's in the right? Is that true? Whereas a man, when he's in the right will blow his horn, toot his whistle and keep blowing it. Is that true?

Every girlfriend I've had was different than the last, but the same at the end of the day 

So it must be true right? Not! One of my best friends, Brianna is or was my all time hangout buddy. She had to move to Washington recently.

We were together so much so often people thought we were married. So I know her and I gotta tell ya, when Brianna is right she won't do it for long, but she'll rub it in real good when she's of a mood to get at you. But only briefly. In all honesty, I think she'd do that because it was me. This post is devoted to women mostly. In this post just for fun, I'm going to give you a few old sayings about women, some of them true and some of them probably not so much. Like that first one. Not true.

I'll try to hold to my promise not to write a long post. I'm trying to teach myself to write shorter post's, but write more of them. I operate eight blogs not including when I'm writing for other people. I've been having trouble writing to all my blogs within a one week period. You're supposed to write two to three times a week to each blog site. But I'm big on writing from experience too. That can make things a little easier to keep up with because it cuts back on the amount of reading and research I have to do. With tech blogs, I research and rarely write a blog from memory alone. I like to confirm what my mind thinks it remembers about technology blog subject. Whereas with marketing blogs, I write from both.

And boy, I have to tell you, you can get caught up in the research, learning all that stuff. Anyway, here's another one about women: If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning. Is that true or false? Aristotle wrote that one. And it's quite true. Now that's a definite people truth.

Us men, we don't need much. 

Give us a job some beer and some food and you pretty much have us where you want us. And that's men anywhere in the world. What do you think, am I right about that?

What's another one, how about this one? A woman can play stupid and no one will be the wiser! I know that one is a little on the mean side, but it is a people truth. Yes, yes it is. Here's one: Some women try to become the man of the house trying to become the man they wanted to marry! That's a Gloria Steinem thought, do you remember her, the famous feminist? Do you think she's right? Ring the bell, yes you're right again.

It's human nature to plug leaks. 

Have you ever thought about this? People have to, to some extent believe in one another. That's what puts the hope in hope. Pretty true, you think? I think it's true. I once heard it said that all hope comes from another person. That even God if real can only help us through orchestrating the efforts of another to fill our hopes. Is that true? When we sit down and really think about it,  everything we get comes from the creative efforts of man or somebody else's work. I find that difficult to hold on to though it may very well be true. I think there is stuff we get that is not material in nature, and I think those sort of things can be more valuable to us than something material.

That one is hard for me because of the universal belief that God gave man free will. And if that's true, he cannot or will not orchestrate him. See, I told you. I think too much. Anyway, that's why I think man's guiding laws should be universal. I would think God can only change and orchestrate the individual who believes in him. Oops, there I go...using free will.

Did I just dispel a myth? 

Here's another people truth but it's not just about women. Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. When you dare to reveal yourself fully. When you dare to be vulnerable. Do you think that's true? I know that to be true because every time I've fallen in love that's how it happens. Oh, would you look at the time lol, I think I may have hit my 500-word limit!  Did you like this? Let me know with your comments. I've gotta go or I'll keep writing and break my promise. LOL   

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Acceptance vs. Love vs. Kindness

Respect, humility, and patience warm a person up. They are more likely to accept you. This is a common denominator throughout the world. It works with animals too. I love wolves and as a child befriended one. I looked out my window and it was love at first sight. He lived with me for nearly a year before leaving. Have you ever befriended a wild animal like that? Some people just have a knack for it. When I really want to be close to them I wait and once I see that they've noticed me, I show no fear but stand off from them. I try not to let the distance between us increase. If it moves away I move closer, if it moves closer I won't move for a while, then I move closer. Animals know when you 'want' to be close to them. They sense it. This behavior works with people too. It makes them curious when you just go about your business and meander near them without acknowledging them. They pick up on it. They see you are curious, but shy. Animals just love that. There is no comparison to having a wild animal as your best friend. But one day he left. It messed me up pretty bad. All I did for the longest time was wonder what I did wrong. That wolf is one of the most treasured memories of my childhood. I have other wild animal experiences I could tell you about, but that'll have to wait for another time. I grew up around wild animals in the woods of Texas. I learned about wild animals from my mother and father who both grew up around there. I don't recommend anybody reading this should go out and start flirting with a wild animal, you could be seriously injured.

It will run off to a safe distance, maybe growl or glare at you? 

Yes, people are the same. Love can be expressed in a number of ways, but in this post we are going to approach it from a different perspective. We're going to look at it from the perspective of acceptance being humble, patient and respectful. We fall in love smiling at each other. We stay in love if we never stop laughing together.  

Acceptance is what we are all after from each other whether our intentions are good or curious. Others can generally since another's motive right away based on experience. We look at intentions by motive. And, during the entire duration of an acquaintance with another person or an animal, we are mindful of motive and disposition. Once we understand their motives we better understand them. But, in order for another to see our motive, we must first gain acceptance. Once we've gained acceptance they will continue to watch for a while until they are sure. Most of us are unbiased and are usually curious about each other's mind and character. Harmless is good, harmful is bad and is determined by how someone makes you feel. People with a sunny character are contagious.

Know first how another would benefit most from being friends with you.

Even if it is just simply that you like them. This applies to all things in life. Let’s take sales for example. When we do not force our way into another person's space like a pushy salesperson might do, that's respect. When we are humble, we pose no threat, that's humility. When we seek their acceptance first, that's patience. We are now close enough to ascertain what that person's needs are. We may then 'share' with them (not sell) what we have to offer them that would fill that particular 'void' in the person’s life. May you want to love them get them to love you. That then becomes love for them. You, I, we, we're meandering for sport, we're there because we want to share space with them, to be near them because we are drawn to them. I was attracted to that wolf. My mind was made up the moment I saw him. It being wild didn't matter. The risk of being attacked didn't matter, I had to find out.

We then become a valuable asset in the life of that person. 

This applies to relationships, work environments, relatives and so on, you get the idea I'm sure. Another example: Is Love. When we love someone we want to see them happy. To love someone is a conscious choice though most people don't realize it at first.
When we love someone romantically we want them to love us back, and to see us both happy together forever. But since love is a choice, once we’ve made that choice, we are taking for granted a lot of things we don't know about that person. But, at that time feel certain we've made the right choice. In the beginning, it's all so perfect. But, nothing's perfect. I cried like a baby when I couldn't find my buddy wolf. My mother said, he'd gone back to the wild and I had to accept that. Still, we work nonstop to please and gain acceptance from another person. We then identify what they are missing or desire in a relationship and give it to them (with the hope of always being there to give it to them forever) because we know that's what we and they want. We want always to be the person they look to for that. The same principle applies to nations and diplomacy, trade and even world peace. Of course, it's a little more complicated in those arenas but the principle is the same. But people change, even though they may tell you they won't! Minds change, feelings change, circumstances change and since we never really get to know a person to the core, we should always be in protective mode, always one step ahead of any potential problem or circumstance, like if they leave you. 

So at the end of the day, when you get right down to it we're just showing them that we've chosen them. We do that in acceptance of other people we see and meet each day of our lives, we show them we don't hate them by showing them friendliness, we show them we've chosen them when we cling or come looking for them when they're not around. We're showing them that we have no ill will towards them. But when we love someone romantically no matter what we do, we will always be vulnerable to the pain that will one day come from them, whether real or imagined. To love is to be vulnerable. If we're kind to them in spite of what they do right, wrong, good, or bad, a good person will love you for it. A not so good person will become the problem you wish you never had. When a person leaves, or your best friend leaves, wolf or person, you will overcome your loss, but they will have to overcome their loss too. And you will love yourself for being a person who overcame the thing that lives in everyone... never being satisfied, but tolerating. That is where all relationships end up. Some people end up doing it together whereas others end up doing it separated from each other. It's all the same. Just people truth. All romantic affairs begin and end that way. Things change, or nothing lasts forever. Something will die as time passes, something will change, but if we can keep laughing together that doesn't matter. And, we plant with fresh seeds the next chapter in our relationship. Work together, never stop giving them a warm smile, don't encroach upon their breathing room, play together, laugh together, hug each other, and keep your wild animal in your life.