Saturday, August 20, 2011

Are Americans Vexed?

Generally, people and in this case I'm referring to Americans, try to keep smiling, stay positive, keep hope and have faith in their leaders. Wouldn't you agree? Even when everything around us is falling apart, we believe that everything will turn out to be alright, and it usually does.

But lately I've been asking myself; is someone, or a group of people in high places taking advantage of us using the fact that we think that way. Could they use our hopefulness against us to depress us into giving up? Could one day come and we wake up to find that all our fears have come true? That we and our country have been sold out? Are we about to be hit with what we didn't see coming or lose any chance to try and stop it? It is 2011 and I'd of thought that by now we as Americans would be all that and a bag of chips. But I'm beginning to think we are vexed.

If America is vexed it was politically inspired. 

Given the problems that have beset us over recent years, it has become increasingly harder for Americans to smile, have faith, and profile that sense of pride we Americans all grew up with. What’s changed, why have we been finding ourselves coming up against insurmountable issues and problems in just about every area of our lives these days? Who's running things, and what the fuck is going on, where's all the crap coming from? When did all this begin, how and, why? Have we been moving in the wrong direction over the past 25 years or more? Are the rigged systems being exposed? Are the factions in our government scrambling to keep something hidden? And which political party is the culprit? Or is it both? We have to figure this out.  

Are world leaders working together to make all societies in the world come together, as one big business marketing place, with only a few people holding all the cards and all the money and power like they've managed to do here in America? Has big business somehow managed to compromise our values, our identity as a people and manipulate our politicians to do their bidding clandestinely?

Would it be a good idea to have all newly elected politicians on 18-month probation, whereby they can be removed from office by an inexpensive Internet polling/voting on their performance and where they have taken things, over those 18 months? After all, isn’t' it clear that our system appears to be serving only a privileged few now? Who let the dogs out? Was it the Republicans? It sure looks that way. I was Republican until Reagan. I thought he was a really good liar, faker, a good actor. Rest in peace.  

Has our governing system been hijacked by a few people with money and power to serve their ideals and greed? Are they trying now to take over the world under the guise of globalization? Are they racists?

Is globalization vexing the American dream? 

Is there a successful subliminal activity by some, based on greed and oppression, to downgrade the American citizen to a second class individual in the world overall? A mass dumbing down movement by the government on American's? Have they forgotten that they serve us, and not the other way around? Do they want us to become no more than a battery in a series of batteries (all common citizens) to work for pennies and power the will of the more fortunate ones of the world? Is America being made into a third world country in order to put a handful of privileged people from various countries on top of the world?

There is some talk going around out there among concerned citizens, college students, media, small business owners and the general population.  

Maybe it's time for ALL Americans including those who sit on the fence, to get off the fence and take part in the voting, protesting, and smartly, not ignorantly! Maybe it's time for all of us to be mindful of what's being displayed by politicians and not what's being said by them. Did we get stuck with a bunch of bad leaders? Some are saying we have the worst congress in the history of the country, right now. How the hell did these people get into congress in the first place? Was dumbed down voters the reason? I personally believe its divisive governing. An evil presence manifested by some really bad karma. It might time for this government to get right, or be humbled the hard way!

Everybody should vote, otherwise, this is what happens. 

Was it revenge against Americans voting a black president into office. Wait, we already know that's part of it! If so, then that is a blatant attack on the rights of the American people who voted him into office, by American against American, or so-called Americans. Could it be because over 80% of America’s high school seniors can't even qualify academically to enter college? There is a problem shortage of people who qualify to fill the job openings out there, as much if not more than a lack of jobs, right? They only want the privileged in these jobs anyway, right?

How will Americans even know what to look for in candidates who run for office if they are not wise enough, and smart enough to know the difference between a man of good intention and a fake? Hey America: It is important to put the right person into office over the wrong person for the job? Just letting you know, in case you forgot! And, you need to be able to tell the difference! It is said that our politicians are a representation of the populous, is that true anymore? Because this bunch is representing itself. Maybe we've just misplaced our values and 'accidentally adopted some bad ones offered by oligarchs, losers, and crooks! It looks to me that while Americans are busy stomping out ants sent to them by oligarchs, a herd of dumb elephants is running over them. Money doesn't make someone smart. Don't ever believe that shit! But it does get to have a voice. A voice it uses to get people to listen long enough to be taken in by their bullshit ideas. What do you think? Is America vexed?

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