What would happen if all the world's’ people turned on their
governments at the same time? It would manifest a one world ruler right? Many people believe America is headed towards
extreme Fascism, the taking away of current freedoms, unexplained
incarceration, and missing people. Let’s remember first
that our thoughts become our realities.
Let’s not manifest such a reality by promoting that kind of thinking.
But, let’s not fear the thought, because fears also manifest themselves into our lives when we adopt them. Now, moving on, governments who were once adverse to each other seem to be getting along these days, but some people are speculating that this is not good for the world’s people. The fear is that a world ruler will be manifested bringing about Biblical prophecy of a figure who by all accounts is good based on leadership ratings.
First I can say this: World governments are getting along better becauses they have to. World terrorism will unite the world. Secondly: The one world ruler will be a religious man, possibly Jewish, but from the Mid East. There is another speculation it will be someone like a Pope or something. And he will come from Europe, not the United States.
But as his success at bringing about world peace wins the hearts and minds of the world's people, in all honesty, he will be the antiChrist running the world under the direct supervision of Satan himself. This will be preceded by the slaughter of Christians and a world systematic attack on all the true believers in God.
Let’s not manifest such a reality by promoting that kind of thinking.
But, let’s not fear the thought, because fears also manifest themselves into our lives when we adopt them. Now, moving on, governments who were once adverse to each other seem to be getting along these days, but some people are speculating that this is not good for the world’s people. The fear is that a world ruler will be manifested bringing about Biblical prophecy of a figure who by all accounts is good based on leadership ratings.
First I can say this: World governments are getting along better becauses they have to. World terrorism will unite the world. Secondly: The one world ruler will be a religious man, possibly Jewish, but from the Mid East. There is another speculation it will be someone like a Pope or something. And he will come from Europe, not the United States.
But as his success at bringing about world peace wins the hearts and minds of the world's people, in all honesty, he will be the antiChrist running the world under the direct supervision of Satan himself. This will be preceded by the slaughter of Christians and a world systematic attack on all the true believers in God.
Others believe it was Hitler and that this prophecy has been
But there are a few who believe that man is president Barrack Obama of the United States. There have been other prophecies e.g., the Israelite's, the wandering lost tribes becoming a state in 1948. Water turning to blood in China recently, birds dropping from the skies like rain to the ground dead, sea animals in record numbers of species washing up dead on beaches around the world. There's been an incredible increase in reports of strange objects in the skies “worldwide”.
And then there's the children killing other children in mass murders as sacrifices to Baal.
Sons rebelling against fathers, daughters against mothers on a global scale. And there are some new developments happening that you know about but haven't looked at this way: Funnels! Funnels are giant sinkholes, but these are massive in diameter and depth, some appearing to be bottomless. There’s a movie with Demi Moore called the Seventh Sign that might interest you if you would like another interesting take on all of this.
But there are a few who believe that man is president Barrack Obama of the United States. There have been other prophecies e.g., the Israelite's, the wandering lost tribes becoming a state in 1948. Water turning to blood in China recently, birds dropping from the skies like rain to the ground dead, sea animals in record numbers of species washing up dead on beaches around the world. There's been an incredible increase in reports of strange objects in the skies “worldwide”.
And then there's the children killing other children in mass murders as sacrifices to Baal.
Sons rebelling against fathers, daughters against mothers on a global scale. And there are some new developments happening that you know about but haven't looked at this way: Funnels! Funnels are giant sinkholes, but these are massive in diameter and depth, some appearing to be bottomless. There’s a movie with Demi Moore called the Seventh Sign that might interest you if you would like another interesting take on all of this.
But, this piece is being written not to increase fears; it’s
being written to decrease fears.
If you are a Christian these kinds of things won’t frighten you because you believe these signs are good because they signal the return of Christ. Only this time he will be carrying a sword because he's coming to destroy the wicked. Right?
Well I don’t profess to know what any of this means just yet, but there is one thing I do know and that is whenever we maintain our cool, we tend to make wiser decisions about things, we make better behavioral decisions, and we give the truth it due respect. I know climate change has spooked a lot of people for the same reasons. But climate change has occurred throughout history. However, that doesn't mean that if we (industry, etc) is causing it that we should ignore any role we're playing in it. That would be stupid and self-destructive.
There's been little and no respect for the people's needs by this recent rash of politicians over the past 35, 40 years. Not until Obama came into office. The Pharisees are alive and well. They really did hurt the humble and patient of our society! A lot of elderly people and babies died under their rule. And I do hope they end up paying for it. Actually, I'm sure they will.
Perhaps I can write more on these subjects at a later time, but for now we are trying to keep our People Truth blogs down to 500-600 words or less. I doubt we'll make it accept on occasion. We're going to try though. You can, however, extend this discussion with comments if you'd more discussion about it. But, the people truth about this piece is that people, man is all about self and will trust in liars if they tell him they have the solution to his problem. Because his selfishness has him see what he wants to see. The problem is there are those even more selfish than he is. Those lying are all about themselves and are lying for power over you, the people. This is the destructive nature of man and foolishness of the greedy. They are gullible. Liers hope in that. Lying to you about Santa Clause is one thing, but lying to others about you, to get power and money over you is another. You will never see their promises, they never meant them. So, expose them.
A one-world government is already here with its lies and rigged systems that hold most citizens in poverty to keep them powerless. These governments are not built to last. Oh, the builders think they are but they are sadly mistaken.
If you are a Christian these kinds of things won’t frighten you because you believe these signs are good because they signal the return of Christ. Only this time he will be carrying a sword because he's coming to destroy the wicked. Right?
Well I don’t profess to know what any of this means just yet, but there is one thing I do know and that is whenever we maintain our cool, we tend to make wiser decisions about things, we make better behavioral decisions, and we give the truth it due respect. I know climate change has spooked a lot of people for the same reasons. But climate change has occurred throughout history. However, that doesn't mean that if we (industry, etc) is causing it that we should ignore any role we're playing in it. That would be stupid and self-destructive.
There's been little and no respect for the people's needs by this recent rash of politicians over the past 35, 40 years. Not until Obama came into office. The Pharisees are alive and well. They really did hurt the humble and patient of our society! A lot of elderly people and babies died under their rule. And I do hope they end up paying for it. Actually, I'm sure they will.
Perhaps I can write more on these subjects at a later time, but for now we are trying to keep our People Truth blogs down to 500-600 words or less. I doubt we'll make it accept on occasion. We're going to try though. You can, however, extend this discussion with comments if you'd more discussion about it. But, the people truth about this piece is that people, man is all about self and will trust in liars if they tell him they have the solution to his problem. Because his selfishness has him see what he wants to see. The problem is there are those even more selfish than he is. Those lying are all about themselves and are lying for power over you, the people. This is the destructive nature of man and foolishness of the greedy. They are gullible. Liers hope in that. Lying to you about Santa Clause is one thing, but lying to others about you, to get power and money over you is another. You will never see their promises, they never meant them. So, expose them.
A one-world government is already here with its lies and rigged systems that hold most citizens in poverty to keep them powerless. These governments are not built to last. Oh, the builders think they are but they are sadly mistaken.
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