Thursday, June 12, 2014

What Are We, Who Are We?

We as humans have a tri-fold existence: The Id or the conscious survival of the 'me'. The spirit or the 'we' of us [the life force in us], that part that distinguishes us from animals, and the mind or creative [me] function of us, or the individual.

Complicated? Yes and no. 

These are tough subjects to tackle.  But, opinions are like waste baskets, everybody's got one. So here's mine. As a writer and personal development strategist, I've experienced a lot of frustration. I've had to develop skills for articulating the unexplainable. including such things as character development techniques. I am capable of pulling this off. I hope! I've got a propensity for psychology and I study human behavior. For instance, why do some people resort to taking their frustrations out on friends, family, spouses or helpless animals? Does that make them feel better about themselves? They are usually reacting to something they brought on themselves. But, yes they're venting, but it really doesn't make them feel better about themselves.
It only makes matters worse.

Our brain manages the day to day functions, our Pineal gland, third eye or the "God gene" is a little pine cone shaped thing located at the base of our brain. 

The word brain describes flesh. But isn't it also a link to a higher mind. It houses the components which manage our day to day bodily functions. It manages animation and thought using a series of electrical pulses. The word mind though not used as much, refers to a virtual component of the brain. It would appear the pineal gland is related to our mind and soul more so than the brain.

There is no shortage of research by scientist on the pineal gland

Some believe the pineal gland is a direct link between our mind and God. The universe hosts us and our world. Our brain manages motor functions and acts as the primary control center for our conscious day to day decision-making processes. We have two hearts, a mindful heart, and a physical heart muscle that keeps the blood moving throughout our bodies. The pineal gland is said to be something man can shut down using chemicals (fluoride). Could this be affecting people's behavior and their ability to reason and make sense of things? This is proof we are controllable, that we may even be manipulated on a mass scale using chemical brain inhibitors.

Most weather, climate changes and other life forms on our planet can kill or injure us with relative ease.  

Relative to our physical proportion we have a massive brain although only about 12% of it is used. We have unimaginable potential. Just 10-12% of our brains have accomplished all that you see and use in the world today. Now, if you used 100% of your brain, you wouldn't even visit planet earth. It'd be like visiting hell to you. So how do we open up that other 88%? I'm working on that. We are similar to animals in many ways but not our brains. Like animals, we are selfish, aggressive, always in survival mode. Like animals, we are tempted to procreate.

So you're saying: it's no coincidence we must give birth, reside in the flesh, adapt to changing environments and undergo physical evolution? 

But I am not an animal! My religion tells me I'm not an animal. Are you telling me I am an animal? Our life span varies by country, continent, or behavior. It ranges from about 40 years to 66 years the worldwide average. Those numbers may vary by individual or gender. Biblically at one-time man did have access to a larger proportion of his brain ("There is nothing new under the sun"). But he was demoted as a punishment by God for his defiance. This curse blocked off 90% of his brain and relegated him to being a menial creature. So a God or nature dumbed us down? Why? What'd we do wrong, really? It's just my opinion, but I think mankind will not make the grade. If aliens came and some would say they are already here, would we have much chance of defeating them? Can you believe a god did this to us? A punishment for being less than good and eviler? Actually, I can! Take a look around you, what do you see? You see a whole lot of low down things going on worldwide. Maybe mankind is low down because he is low down by his own choice. He sure does resist positive change for the good of all. We are just too weak to stand upright. That maybe cow poop! But we've had plenty of time and we still haven't proved it's not!

So what are we? 

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