Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Sexual Euphemism and Stimulating Word Puzzle

Infidelity has always existed going back as far as the records of man earliest presence on earth. There is talk of a website, a dating site for married people who want to have sex with other people. I won't give the name of the site because someone may be reading this that’s married and ready to make a mistake. Those mistakes will hurt you and everyone who loves you. So I won't take part in that. Here's why:

Nothing in life is free, not even sex. 

At some point in time along the way we pay for sex, married or not, just like everything else in life. Let me explain that. Sex comparatively speaking is like starting a fire. Picture a man or woman (alone) in the wilderness (life) and night fall (getting horny) is coming. This person knows they must prepare for it, so they plan (look for a partner) to make a fire using whatever they can find (someone) to do it with.

They find some soft dry cotton stuff (a person) in the forest, and they grab a dry twig, hollow out a larger piece of dry wood and place the cotton like stuff in the hollow hole (start touching one another). They put one end of the twig into the hole with the soft cotton and begin to roll it between both hands with open palms spinning the twig until smoke shows up (warm desire), and they become excited about the progress and spin the twig faster.

A small flame ignites and makes its appearance (the kiss), and they fan the flames (the kiss) until their fire gets hotter and bigger (heated passion).
They like the results of their effort and place more leaves, twigs and wood into the flames until a full blown fire is achieved (sex). The fire (sex) is warm and soothing. It feels good, and it keeps animals away, and at the same time it puts out light that can bring help to rescue them from (being alone) the woods. They feel comforted and relaxed in the heat (sex), and fall asleep.

When they awake, the whole forest around them (their life) is on fire. 

Help is on the way, but they started a forest fire to get it, and the fire is so hot, burning them and the forest (life) around them.

Even in marriage every so often a couple must renew their interest in the relationship or the flame will burn low and can go out if something isn't done. This too will affect your life in the long run.

Being single is different in that multiple partners are experienced (each with their own highs and lows just like marriage), and you can be playing it well, by the "players" book, but it's only a matter of time before trouble (karma) finds you.

If you don't believe me take a look around you at the people you know. Look at the celebs in the news. What is the answer? How do we navigate the spiny road of sexual desire?

After all it's really just our nature. 

We can't stop nature!

Well, there is another way. We can keep nature in check by being aware of its flammable ingredients and make choices intelligently and respectful of ourselves and others, particularly during marriage. Even if the marriage is no fun anymore. Sex is fire and we burn when we go without it, there's no getting around that. But if you keep in mind it's not free, there might be something in that way of thinking that helps keep us sexually smarter and the repercussions of our sexual activities at a minimal.

Tip: Create your own metaphors by your own rules using this post. Read the words in parenthesis and create sentences that do not include the forest.


Alone, look for a partner, someone to do it with.

Find a person and start touching one another and warm desire shows up.

The kiss ignites a small flame that gets bigger and becomes a heated passion.

Sex! Sex is warm. It feels good, now relax, fall asleep, and awake to a life in flames.

These sentences are all present in the post you just read. How sexually oriented are you? Can you create more sentences using only the text above or only the words in parenthesis? 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Don't Forget To Laugh

Comedy like music is therapeutic, it tends to soothe or remove unhappy moods or an unpopular experience during the course of a day. Were it not for music and comedy life would be pretty darn boring at times, and quite frankly, less worth living. Like all entertainment, comedy has to address something in life you are familiar with, otherwise you won't relate to it. You must be able to relate to something before you can find humor in it. 

Laughter on the other hand can be evoked on the spur of a moment. 

Surprise is the heart of comedy. Everyone has a little comedian hidden inside of them that peaks it's head out from time to time. Have you noticed how occasionally a person who rarely laughs can sometimes make you laugh. They can say something impetuously and completely out of their character and just timely enough to be funny. It came as a "surprise" to you both, something unexpected, and it made you both laugh. Many good friendships have started that way.    

Remember when we were kids how we capped on each other, based on each other, sometimes so hard that somebody got mad  and wanted to fight. 

What did we do? Why, we kept on capping on them till they started laughing again, and the laughing went on for hours.  

Basing is an effective way to deal with a heckler (a sour moment, bad time etc) too. Hecklers want to stop the show, or take the attention away from the laugh for one reason or another. Hecklers also find themselves the blunt of the laughs because the comedian (you) was prepared for them and got even more laughs at their (the bad times) expense. It's all good! 

Each time we laugh we add years to our lives, at least that's what we now know.  

Laughing heals and it is scientifically proven to heal, and I'll even take that a step further and say there is hardly anything that a person might suffer from in life that laughter won't heal. It has been documented that some cancer patients who refused to take their condition any other way but humorously, were healed by having such a positive attitude about their illness that their body's immune system reinforced itself.  In conclusion, I'd like to make a suggestion. 

Look for humor in everything, even that which would otherwise anger you! It can only make you a happier person.  

Inspiration and reference for this post: The comedian (jimisound.com)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Are Women Getting Aids More Than Men In The U.S.?

Are women more apt to get aids than men? The fact is, Aids is still out there and very real to some of your friends. I will answer the question for you momentarily. First I want to share something with you that I think is relevant when discussing Aids. Not long ago my mother purchased a property and turned it into a half way house for the financially displaced. She had people from various walks of life staying there in any given month paying room and board at a price they could afford while saving money to pull themselves up in life. Some were runaways, veterans and some had fallen because of drug use.

The property was near my mother's own residence and for this reason, my brother or I would visit with her and our younger brother at least every other day in support of her efforts. During these visits, I became privy to certain events among the boarders. I learned of dates resulting in unprotected sex. One day I discovered something appalling, a startling reality. Almost all of these individuals were aware of the dangers of Aids, but behaved as though STD's did not exist. I concluded that at least a part of the reason was because these individuals put ecstasy at a hirer priority than caution or the safety of others. The worst of it is they didn't care about themselves or anyone else! They used sex as an escape from the anger, misery and unhappiness they felt about life.

It was not a lack of education about sexually transmitted diseases, not like you might find in a third world country or a remote area of the world where women are getting Aids faster than men, where women's rights are non existent or abused without recourse. Women have sex forced upon them and have no law to protect them in those places and they get Aids as a result. No, for your information, these men and women just didn't care about their safety or that of their partners. Let me illustrate with a true to life example using one of the men I met there. I will change his name for obvious reasons. We will call him Carlos. Carlos was a tall hansome guy, well spoken and about thirty years of age. A guy with a promising life before I met him. Carlos had been an Air Force veteran and star basketball player who was good with the ladies. However, that all changed for him when he found that he had contracted Aids while playing ball in Europe. He then, left the team and came back to the states to start his life over again. It was then that he became a resident of my mothers. He never mentioned having Aids.

We found out when another resident told my brother that he was visiting Carlos and saw a pill bottle that Carlos had left sitting out. He said the label identified Carlos and clearly stated " treatment for HIV". This is where the plot thickens! Carlos had previously disclosed to me that he was sleeping with a young lady who I had seen visiting with him. I asked if he was using protection, and he told me "I don't use condoms because they cut back on that good feeling, that real pleasure." I became concerned because I knew he had a way with women, I had seen him with several. I mentioned this to my mother who wasted no time in asking him if he was HIV positive, and he said yes he was and apologized for not telling her sooner. He said he was leaving anyway and going back to Chicago, and shortly afterwards moved out. We never saw him again. I heard from my brother about four years later that he saw Carlos getting off a trolley with a young woman in tow not far from that same part of town. My brother said he wanted to go talk to her but couldn't bring himself to say anything.

So what's the point of my sharing this with you? There are people out there who are selfish, cruel or don't care about your well being. You must think about yourself and trust no one! HIV infections are growing faster in women than men in the US.  In the beginning, the numbers were about even between men and women who contract Aids, but since then recent polls show that the number of women infected is growing. Because women out number men some would assume that is the reason polls show their numbers exceeding that of men who are infected. Polls going back as far as 2009 are showing that women in the US are getting Aids at a hirer rate than men. The reason may surprise you.

It has been concluded that the increase in numbers of women getting Aids in recent years is because men deliver a higher concentration of the virus into the woman's vagina due to the volume of semen being more than that of a woman's vaginal fluids. This results in her getting the virus sooner than he does. It could also mean that fewer men are infecting more women due to people relaxing their precautions. It does not say uninfected men should use this as a reason to relax their use of condoms. Protection is for both partners until such time as a medical exam has been performed showing the results are negative in both people. Only then should unprotected sex take place. Please see links below for more information about Women living with Aids:

Why women are more likely to contract Aids than men
American women with Aids
One American state stats